Akiba's Trip The Animation
Akiba's Trip The Animation
Set in Akihabara, the shopping area has been invaded by creatures known as "Synthisters" who prey on the patrons of Akihabara, feasting on their social energy and will to live. These enemies can only be stopped by direct exposure to sunlight, meaning to defeat these synthisters their clothes need to be ripped off exposing them to sunlight.
Action & Adventure
Yuki Takao
Kozakua (voice)
Rie Takahashi
Matome Manseika / Urame Mayonaka (voice)
Haruki Ishiya
Tamotsu Denkigai (voice)
Haruka Yamazaki
Kati Raikkonen (voice)
Yu Serizawa
Io Shiota (voice)
Chinami Hashimoto
Mashiro Kuga (voice)
Mariko Honda
Suidoubashi (voice)
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Masuto Niikura (voice)
Misaki Kuno
Ratu Tasjin (voice)
Marika Kouno
Niwaka Denkigai (voice)
Yuki Nagaku
Arisa Ahokainen (voice)
Kengo Kawanishi
Shouhei (voice)
Jouji Nakata
Kage-san (voice)
Eriko Nakamura
Ijin Kiyoida (voice)
Masumi Asano
Fukame Mayonaka (voice)
Haruko Momoi
Momo Tsukumo (voice)
Arthur Lounsbery
Jiro Ishi (voice)
Atsushi Tamaru
Shi Shou (voice)
Aoi Yuki
Matsuko (voice)