ICC TV Productions
M.A.S.K. is an animated television series produced by the French-American DIC Enterprises, Inc and Kenner. The series was based on the M.A.S.K. action figures. It was animated in Asia by studios; KK C&D Asia, Studio Juno, Studio World, and Ashi Production.
Action & Adventure
Doug Stone
Matt Trakker, Bruce Sato, Hondo McLean, Dusty Hayes
Brendan McKane
Miles Mayhem, Alex Sector
Sharon Noble
Gloria Baker, Vanessa Warfield, M.A.S.K. Computer
Brennan Thicke
Scott Trakker
Graeme McKenna
T-Bob, Brad Turner
Mark Halloran
Buddy Hawks, Sly Rax, Cliff Dagger
Martine Reigner
Scott Trakker
Cyrille Artaux
Brad Turner
Franck Baugin
Dusty Hayes, Bruce Sato
Laurent Peters
Buddie Hawks
Lionel Henry
Brad Turner
Thierry Ragueneau
Matt Trakker
Emmanuel Jacomy
T-Bob, Bruno Sheppard
Caroline Beaune
Gloria Baker
Gilles Guillot
Alex Sector
Patrick Laplace
Bruce Sato
Jean-Louis Faure
Hondo McLean
Jean Claudio
Miles Mayhem
Christian Pelissier
Sly Rax, Maxime Mayhem
Michel Vigné
Cliff Dagger
Sophie Deschaumes
Vanessa Warfield, Ordinateur du MASK
Vincent Violette
Ali Bombay, Nevada Rushmore
Daniel Russo
Floyd Malloy, Jacques Lafleur
Philippe Bellay
Bruce Sato
Françoise Dasque
Gloria Baker
Marc Alfos
Cliff Dagger