The Gambling Man
Festival Films
The Gambling Man
Based on one of Catherine Cookson's most beloved works which revolves around slick cardplayer Rory Connor (played by Robson Green), a rags-to-riches gambler faced with a life-changing decision. Never one to shy away from high stakes, Rory is in the game of his life when he's asked to make the ultimate sacrifice for his brother. Directed by Norman Stone, it also stars Bernard Hill, Sylvestra Le Touzel and Sammy Johnson.
Robson Green
Rory Connor
Bernard Hill
Frank nickle
Sylvestra Le Touzel
David Nellist
Anne Kent
Ian Cullen
Sammy Johnson
Stephanie Putson
Allen Mechen
Dennis Lingard
Amber Styles
Ron Senior Jr.
Frank Mills
Sarah Finch
John Middleton
Margery Bone
Lyn Douglas
Joe Ging