DreamWorks Television
The show takes place from 1944 to 2002 and follows the lives of three families: the Crawfords, who seek to cover up the Roswell crash and the existence of aliens; the Keys, who are subject to frequent experimentation by the aliens; and the Clarkes, who sheltered one of the surviving aliens from the crash.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Dakota Fanning
Allie Keys
Matt Frewer
Dr. Chet Wakeman
Emily Bergl
Lisa Clarke
Rei Hance
Mary Crawford
Joel Gretsch
Owen Crawford
Adam Kaufman
Charlie Keys
John Hawkes
Marty Erickson
Ryan Hurst
Tom Clarke
Camille Sullivan
Nina Toth
Eric Close
James McDaniel
General Beers
Andy Powers
Eric Crawford
Chad Morgan
Becky Clarke
Steve Burton
Russell Keys
Julie Ann Emery
Amelia Keys
Catherine Dent
Sally Clarke
Jason Gray-Stanford
Howard Bowen
Desmond Harrington
Jesse Keys
Brian Markinson
Ray Morrison
Tina Holmes
Anne Crawford
Roger Cross
Captain Walker
Nathaniel DeVeaux
Dale Watson
Emily Holmes
Julie Crawford
Chad Donella
Jacob Clarke
Willie Garson
Dr. Kreutz
Timothy Webber
Dewey Clayton
Max Martini
Colonel Breck
Anton Yelchin
Jacob Clarke (Child)
Gabrielle Rose
Dr. Harriet Penzler
Michael Soltis
Lt. Pierce
James Kirk
Jesse Keys (Teen)
Tobias Mehler
Lt. Williams
Ian Tracey
Bill Walker
Brenda James
Dr. Ellen Greenspan
Alonso Oyarzun
Lt. Keel
Anysha Berthot
Mary Crawford (Child)
Devin Douglas Drewitz
Charlie Keys (Child)
Taylor Reid
Lisa Clarke (Child)