On the Trail of Blood
Filmové studio Barrandov
On the Trail of Blood
Major Kalas from the Prague criminal intelligence service has been sent to a small town of Dubá in North Bohemia to help with the investigation of the puzzling death of a child. A gypsy boy has been killed three weeks ago and his body found under a rock. As the investigation continues, another dead boy is found. The boy has bled to death after someone cut his artery with a handsaw. Both deaths are obviously the work of a murderer - a perverted pedophile, sadist who gets sexual satisfaction from the sight of a young boy's blood.
Rudolf Hrušínský
major VB Kalaš
Vladimír Ptáček
poručík VB Vlach
Ilja Prachař
podplukovník VB Tesař
Karel Dellapina
hajný Frič
Vladimír Huber
MUDr. Vít, lékař v Dubé
Milada Ježková
Michal Kožuch
Cihlář Fojt
Luděk Nešleha
Fojtův syn
Hana Brejchová
hostinská Vlasta Veselá
Vladimír Kudla
kočí Antonín Vavroch
Libuše Holečková
Zdeněk Martínek
rotný VB
Miloš Willig
vyšetřovatel Suchánek
Václav Postránecký
Honza Burda, Vlastin Milenec
Oldřich Velen
Jana Vaňková
Fojtová, žena mladšího Fojta
Stanislav Hájek
Vladimír Foukal
Bohumil Koška
Josef Koza
Jaroslav Radimecký
Zdeněk Braunschläger
Václav Halama
Vladimír Hrabánek
Jindra Kvardová
Bohuslav Ličman
Pavel Navara
Hynek Němec
Jiřina Bílá
Jana Sedlmajerová
David Schneider
Eva Vlachová
Marie Štrampachová
Vincenc Vávra
Jan Víšek
Jan Vyčítal
Václav Němec
B. Čeleda